Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Stories, Part 1

Adventure of the day, June 6

I just got off the phone with a dear younger sister after praying in authority with her over her daughter. I’ve known her ever since I gave her a ride home from school when I was a theater teacher, over 16 years ago.(Theater teacher, I know, right?) Since then, I’ve watched her rejection of Christ grow into less animosity, to interest, to seeking, to finding, to being reborn and now, having the joy of her first born being baptized last weekend. After the baptism, a guy said he “saw” something in the “spiritual realm” over her daughter before she went into the water. When this guy communicated what he saw, my friend was scared and told him so. She called me, somewhat anxious and asked me to speak into it. I explained to her the authority she has in Christ, and explained how she can walk in it. We then prayed and broke off anything that was not of Jesus spoken over her daughter, and spoke blessing into the life and destiny of her daughter, in the name of Jesus.

Adventure of the day, June 2

She sat in our porch last week, in the white wicker chair with the red patterned cushion, decaf in her hand. She poured out her heart. She doesn’t recall others speaking life into her, only where she was a failure in every relationship she had. 2 ½ years ago, she was invited into community for the first time in her adult life. She’s heard life giving words, and has been prayed over so often in this community, with others speaking and calling out the gifts of the Spirit they see in her, that she is beginning to believe she has value and worth in the Body of Christ. She wants more of the abundant life God has promised. She has seen us, even through the hard times, filled with the Spirit and walking in His gifts. She has seen God resource us with more of Himself and although it still makes her nervous, wanted to pray He would fill her with more of everything He wants to give her. We prayed together in agreement. As we prayed, she received a little healing in an area that has been hurting her for awhile, just because God wanted to give that to her. I didn’t know this until the next day, when God prompted me to text her, asking her about this very area. He laid on my heart that she had an issue with this area, through a word of knowledge about it. By faith I asked her about it. She affirmed she had an issue, told me about the partial healing the day before, and after we prayed, she was completely healed! Woo hoo God!!!

1 comment:

  1. Look at God !! Won't He do it !!! LOVE what He is doing in u and through u sis !!


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