Good morning : ) I hope you have time to read through some of these devotionals. I’m trusting that God will give you what you need for this part of your own journey with Jesus. And I’m trusting that God will give us as a people what we need as we walk this walk of faith together.
Please note, today is the last day I'm including the link to the devotional in the post. You can always go back to previous posts to find the link.
Today’s reading is from John 15:5, is entitled I The Vine and can be found on page 8-9 of the link below.
Here are some highlights:
…the only way to obey the command,”Abide in me,” is to have eye and heart fixed upon Himself. // Yea, study this holy mystery until you see Christ as the true Vine, bearing, strengthening, supplying, inspiring all His branches, being and doing in each branch all it needs, and the abiding will come of itself. Yes, gaze upon Him as the true Vine, until you feel what a heavenly Mystery it is, and are compelled to ask the Father to reveal it to you by His Holy Spirit. He to whom God reveals the glory of the true Vine, he who sees what Jesus is and waits to do every moments, he cannot but abide. // How much weary labor there has been in striving to understand what abiding is, how much fruitless effort in trying to attain it! Why was this? Because the attention was turned to the abiding as a work we have to do, instead of the living Christ, in whom we were to be kept abiding, who Himself was to hold and keep us, we though of abiding as a continual strain and effort – we forget that it means rest from effort to one who has found the place of his abode. // Iam the vine, only consent and yield thy all to Me, I will do all in thee. // …Know that thou are in Me; thou needest no more; remain there in Me. //Let each day in our quiet time, in the inner chamber with Him and His word, our chief thought and aim be to get the heart fixed on Him, in the assurance: all all that a vine ever can do for its branches, my Lord Jesus will do, is doing for me.
Blessed Lord, speak Thou that word into my soul. Then shall I know that all Thy fullness is for me. And that I can count upon Thee to stream it into me, and that my abiding is so easy and so sure when I forget and lose myself in the adoring faith that the vine holds the branch and supplies its every need.
Prayer for us
Abba we wait for you… but You have already been waiting for us. You promise that You are already in the secret place, and You wait for us to come in and shut the door, and be with You. Thank You Abba, that You are the With Us God, Emmanuel. Thank You that You are painstakingly unveiling our own hearts to ourselves, and exposing where we just don’t believe You, or where we are so lacking in faith. You do this because You love us, and desire we come in our need to receive from You what our hearts so long for, have so longed for…for so long. Abba continue to release us from our own self protection, from believing the ancient lie, Did God really say? You have promised Jesus came to give us life, abundant life. You are not withholding that from us. You are intricately and deliberately and patiently removing the obstacles we have put up in protection against those things or people that have wounded us. Even You O God, we have put walls of protection up against, because we misunderstand, we have not understood the pruning. O Abba, release us from our own walls of protection, break through what we cannot, and take hold of us and bring us to Your throne to receive the grace and mercy we need. We need You Lord to do in us what we cannot. We abide in You, release to You, believe by faith in You, because You have promised. Thank You that You will do all this and more, more than we could ever ask or imagine, in Jesus’ Name, amen.
The True Vine
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