Good morning! It’s been encouraging to know that many of you are reading at least the highlights, if not the original devotional by Andrew Murray. Many of the dots of my walk with Christ are being connected through these readings… things I’ve pondered or wondered about, and I see the connections as I read what he wrote over one hundred years ago. How amazing that the principles and truths God taught this man, He continues to teach to us, generations later. God's Word truly stands forever.
The reading today is from John 15:4, is entitled Except Ye Abide, and can be found on pages 7-8 in the link below.
Please note. After tomorrow, I will no longer include the links to the reading. If you need it, you can bookmark it in your browser, download the PDF, or just refer back here to previous posts.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless (except) it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless (except) you abide in Me. John 15:4
There is but one way for the branch to bear fruit, there is no other possibility, it must abide in unbroken communion with the vine. Not of itself, but only of the vine, does the fruit come.
Christ knows so well what a renunciation of self is implied in this: “Abide in me:” how strong and universal the tendency would be to seek to bear fruit by our own efforts; how difficult it would be to get us to believe that actual, continuous abiding in Him is an absolute necessity! He insists upon the truth: Not of itself can the branch bear fruit, except it abide, it cannot bear fruit. “No more can ye,except ye abide in me.”
Let me learn the lesson. Abiding is to be an act of the will and the whole heart.// In regeneration the divine life enters us, but does not all at once master and fill our whole being. This comes as matter of command and obedience.//There is unspeakable danger of our giving ourselves to work for God, and to bear fruit, with but little of the true abiding, the wholehearted losing of ourselves in Christ and His life.// We must allow the words, “not of itself,” “except it abide,” to do their work of searching and exposing, of pruning and cleansing, all that there is of self-will and self confidence in our life;//Abiding in the vine then comes to be nothing more nor less than restful surrender of the soul to let Christ have all and work all, as completely as in nature the branch knows an seeks nothing but the vine.
Abide in Me. I have heard, my Lord, that with every command, Thou also givest the power to obey. With Thy “rise and walk,” the lame man leaped. I accept Thy word, Abide in me,” as a word of power, that gives power, and even now I say, Yea, Lord. I will, I do abide in Thee.
Prayer for us
Abba there are many things that make us weary. There are relationships that grieve us because they are broken. There is still unforgiveness that we carry, though we truly do want to forgive, thought we forgave, but the bitterness continues. There are responsibilities that must be taken care of and we are beginning to wonder how they will ever be accomplished. There are good things that we are involved in, things that bring us life and joy, and yet we are beginning to feel like it is all too much. There is too much on our plate, and even the good things are beginning to feel burdensome.
Bring us back to Your word this morning Father. Bring us back to Your call to us through Jesus. “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matt 11:28-30 The MSG.
We desire this Lord. Show us how to throw off everything that hinders, and what we are carrying that You never asked us to carry. Lighten our steps and our walk with You, teach us how to live as free daughters of the King. And as we walk in freedom, O give us a voice to call to others on the journey that it is true… we can live the abundant, abiding life You have promised. And this abiding life is not for our joy alone… the abundant abiding life is to produce other disciples, others who will live in the freedom of being adopted by the King. You are the Vinedresser Abba, You are the Vine Jesus, You are our Life Holy Spirit… we are only the branch. O teach us today to desire nothing more than to be the branch. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
The True Vine
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