Friday, February 20, 2015

The Vinedresser John 15:1

Good morning sweet sisters! I hope yesterday’s reading was encouraging and you were able to find some time to be still. If you missed it, just jump in and start today, don’t worry about going back and “catching up.’ This is a great devotional, and it’s best to read it at a pace that allows you to savor it.

Day 2 is entitled The Husbandman, and the Scripture is John 15:1, and can be found on pages 2-3 of the attachment below.

And my Father is the Vinedresser.... John 15:1

Here are the highlights:
Christ ever lived in the spirit of what He once said: “The Son can do nothing of Himself.” As dependent as a vine is on a husbandman for the place where it is to grow, for its fencing in and watering and pruning, Christ felt himself entirely dependent on the Father every day for the wisdom and the strength to do the Father’s will. …”The words that I say unto you, I speak not from Myself, but the Father abiding in Me doeth His works.” ….This absolute dependence had as its blessed counterpart the most blessed confidence that He had nothing to fear: the Father could not disappoint Him. 

At the very root of all Christian life lies the thought that God is to do all, that our work is to give and leave ourselves in His hands, in the confession of utter helplessness and dependence, in the assured confidence that He gives all we need.  … As high and holy as is our calling, so mighty and loving is the God who will work it all.

Blessed Father, we are Thy husbandry. Oh that Thou mayest have honor of the work of Thy hands! O my Father, I desire to open my heart to the joy of this wondrous truth: My Father is the Husbandman. Teach me to know and trust Thee, and to see that the same deep interest with which Thou caredst for and delightedst in the Vine, extends to every branch, to me too.

Prayer for one another:
(Ephesians 1:16-17, Hebrews 4)  Father, let us not cease giving thanks for one another. Thank You for the faith that you continue to sow in and through us, for growing our love for one another and our desire to see You magnified within our sphere of influence. Abba, Father of glory, may you give each precious son and  daughter who is reading this a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. May each each of us not be content with merely knowing about You, or knowing about Your plan, or even knowing Your word inside and out. May we seek You, only You as our most treasured possession on the horizon of our future. As we walk by faith in You, may we, through our needs, walk out what we have learned in our heads about You. May we know You, not just on the pages of the Bible, but by experience as You fulfill Your promises and reveal to us deeper truths as we seek Your face. May we be convinced that You alone can meet our every need, You alone know the depths of our hearts and still bid us draw near. May we learn to rest in the belief of Your promise that You expose our need to meet it. May we by faith, rest in our identity as a beloved son and daughter of the King of Kings, freed to love and free to love others with that same agape love poured in and through us by Your Spirit.  We pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.


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