Our family fasted, along with Ephrata Community Church. Matt made it 20 some-odd days on a complete water only fast. I think I had 4 meals during those three weeks, as I continued to work cleaning houses. The kids participated too, fasting from social media etc. It was humbling and incredibly difficult. But we sensed God's presence and shepherding like never before.
I sensed God's leading on church planting too, but really struggled with the call. I asked (pleaded with) Him to affirm His call with provision of three things: a home (we were living at a friend's house) a sending church that would mentor and plant us, and a third personal request.
Within 21 days... I never put that together, but within the same amount of days that we had fasted, we had a beautiful home in Hummelstown borough and a sending church with mentors at Lifeway Church .
My third request is in process, and if God was so quick to answer the first two, will He not answer this last one as well?
In 2017, we went from living in a friend's home, not sure of God's next steps, not sure of our place in our home church, not sure of the future God had for us, no sense of stability anywhere except our Jesus, to accepting a call from God, affirmed in community, to plant Deep Rivers Church. We are now renting a beautiful home from good friends, are rooted in our Lifeway Church family, serving and using our gifts there. We were introduced to a foundation that is supporting Matt 3/5 time, and I still have incredible and generous clients for whom I get to clean. We were given a third car for Em to drive, which was very appreciated when we were all working this summer.
We have those who have sensed the call to join the vision God has for us here in this region and who are committed to our launch team, have prayer warriors called to pray with and for us, and most importantly, for me anyway, are throwing off what others have said we should be doing, and are embracing our God who is sufficient not only to meet all our needs, but to equip us for the call on our lives.
A dear sister at Two Rivers EVFree Church in TN had a corporate word for those attending Quiet Waters, and it was "step out into the empty spaces (to occupy), don't reference old kingdoms, don't mourn what was. (new wine needs a new wine skin) Rev 18, Mark 2. That was such a personal word for me, and it came at a time when I was mourning lost friendships and relationships because of our choice to follow Jesus in planting this church.
But here we are in 2018... this year, this September, God will fulfill the vision He placed on our hearts last year, the call He burned there after much prayer and fasting. He gets to decide what it will look like. He gets to decide whom He will call. He gets to decide the fruit. We get to follow and watch our Father do His thing!
I believe there is a great, great harvest coming, and there won't be enough churches to fill the need. May each of us be faithful where we are planted, to not only feed ourselves, but to welcome every hungry heart to meet the only One who can satisfy.
May you be blessed dear sister, dear brother, to know the Voice of your Father, and to follow Him fully in 2018! May you know the love of Abba Father, be empowered by His Holy Spirit, and share the freedom and joy you have with everyone in your sphere.
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