Driving home a few months ago from Myerstown, I knew I needed to stop at Sharp Shopper to pick up some groceries. Google Maps led me through downtown Middletown, for which I was thankful. I'd never seen it, thinking Main Street was mostly all there was to Middletown. About 5 minutes away from Sharp Shopper, I passed a little church called Grace & Mercy. At that time I didn't notice the name, just a man outside doing some yard work. As I looked at him, something in my spirit noticed him. It was like God highlighted him for a minute. Usually when this happens, I know God is about to say something to me about that person. I always hope it's just to pray :) but He more often asks me to stop and give a specific word of encouragement.
This time though, the word didn't come so quickly. I passed on by the church and came upon a stop light. I remember saying, "Lord, this light is going to turn quickly and I will have to turn, so if there is something You'd like for me to say, I need to know it soon." This wasn't impertinence:) This was a daughter knowing her Father was giving her an adventure and teasing Him a bit.

After checking out, I asked the Lord where I should get flowers. CVS and Sheets were a block away, and I knew I would have a better shot at buying flowers at Sheets. I walked in there, and asked God which flowers... this or that bouquet? I sort of got impatient with myself...if you are not already:) Just get the flowers Nicole.
Getting into the car and heading back to the church, I suddenly had a "come to Jesus" moment. Only this was literal. "Father.... wait a second. I can't just waltz up to some random guy and hand him flowers. That's too weird! Father, You have to give me a word for him too... You have to give me something to encourage him." In telling this story to my husband later, he said, "It took you that long to realize you couldn't just give a guy flowers??" What can I say? :) Yes, it was then that I realized I needed a word as well.
God shared with me that what this man was doing was not simply gardening. He was cultivating, growing things. And the labor he was putting in would one day pay off. It was not about the literal physical work he was doing... it was about what he had been called to do in the Body of Christ. I assumed then this man was not only the lawn guy, but a pastor as well.
Satisfied with that, I drove toward the church with my bouquet of fresh flowers. Usually when the Lord makes me stop and give a word of encouragement to someone I don't know, my heart is beating and I rely on the Spirit to make my feet move. It's never been easy, but I have enough experience with it always being an adventure, that I'm willing, even though it's always out of my comfort zone.
This time though, was different, and I noticed it. I had a sense of anticipation, joy, expectancy. I didn't know what or why God had me do this... I just knew I was confident, happy, joyful. I pulled up to the church and of course, did not see the man outside any longer. I pulled into the back parking lot and parked in front of what looked like the main entrance. This was a tiny lot, and there were only two other cars in it, parked in front of another door on the far side of the building.
Walking up to the door, I rehearsed what I was going to say, "Hi, this may sound weird, but as I was driving by earlier, the Lord laid on my heart to bring you flowers. He also gave a word of encouragement for you, and I'm here to give them both to you." I can't say these were cognizant thoughts; I knew if I started out with something like that, God would take over and it would be okay.
Well, the door was locked. Which puzzled me. I walked down the steps and looked toward the far building. I thought there might be someone in there because of the cars, so I walked toward the door. As I walked up the three stone steps to the door, I could see the door opened into a room, and in that room were three people. Just three, and it looked like they were either praying or having bible study. I didn't want to interrupt, and I can't say I had a clear, this-is-your-next-step thought, but I knew to knock lightly and open the door a tad.
I walked in, flowers in hand, to three women. One, the tallest, early 30s, walked over to me. The other two just sort of stared at me. I said hello, told them my name, said, "I know this sounds a little weird, but is the guy that was working outside earlier around?" The tall woman said no, do you need something? To which I gave my little speech.
"This may sound weird, but as I was driving by earlier, the Lord laid on my heart to bring him flowers. He also gave a word of encouragement for him, and I'm here to give them both."
Still, the other two ladies, both at least mid 40s sat just staring at me. The tallest said, what is your word for him? So I shared,
"God shared with me that what this man was doing was not simply gardening. He was cultivating, growing things. And the labor he was putting in would one day pay off. It was not about the literal physical work he was doing... it was about what he had been called to do in the Body of Christ. "
One of the women, (D) jumped up and said, "You don't know what just happened!" And there was an uproar, and joy and gasps from these three ladies. My eyes were wide, and I'm like... "what happened?"
D said, "Just before you came to the door, (tall woman) said, "I don't want to wait for someone to bring me flowers when I'm dead, I want flowers now!"
Tall woman (whom I now call Flowers) looked at me and said, "I think that word is for me."She began to tell me how just recently she had been called to be the lead intercessor for this little church. She felt inadequate, young and inexperienced. I now know she has been a faithful prayer warrior on her own, and God is now raising her up to train others to intercede for our region. The word God had given to me edified and strengthened her, encouraged her, and was sealed with flowers at the exact moment she asked for them.
We were all a bit dumbfounded at God and His specific love and specific timing. With all the lolly gagging I did while shopping, with all the time I took picking out the flowers, the door that was locked at first, to come up the stairs at the exact time Flowers exclaimed she wanted flowers was only a feat God Almighty could accomplish.
Can you imagine the joy in that room at that moment? I gladly handed the flowers to Flowers and as I did, we became sisters in the fight. She invited me to come to the weekly intercession prayer meeting which I now attend. In doing so, I've met others who attend other churches but come to intercede at Grace and Mercy for our region. It's an answer to my prayer, to love and pray with others for unity in the Body here in this region.
I've since attended a prayer luncheon Grace & Mercy held and met many others from other churches gathered that day to intercede for our region. Last week my daughter and I went to buy some chicken dinners to support one of their ministries. I saw "V" one of the women I pray with. I said thanks for something she had done for me, and she said, "honey, you're family now."
My Father makes me laugh. This was such a joy filled adventure for me. He could have simply impressed my heart to bring flowers to the church. But He led me to believe for the longest time that they were for some man. And would I obey? Yes. And that alone increases my faith tremendously. And makes me laugh. And it is a joy that my Father knows how to make me laugh!
Such joy. God is funny, good, and kind. I so love Him, and love the adventures He sends us on.
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