Monday, March 2, 2015

You Can Do Nothing

Good morning dear sisters. Thank you for sending in your requests for prayer. It’s a joy to pray with and for you, and to ask God to do what only He can do. I’m thankful each of us have this ministry: to pray for one another, to speak truth in love to one another, to encourage one another, and all the more as we see the Day approaching.

Today’s reading is entitled You Can Do Nothing, and comes from John 15:5

Apart from me, you can do nothing. John 15:5

Here are some highlights:
As Son He did not receive His life from the Father once for all, but moment by moment. His life was a continual waiting on the Father for all He was to do. And so Christ says of His disciples: “You can do nothing apart from me.” He means it literally. To everyone who wants to live the true disciple life, to bring forth fruit and glorify God, the message comes: You can do nothing. //  Abiding in Me is indispensable, for, you know it, of yourselves you can do nothing to maintain or act out the heavenly life.”

As little as I can give it myself, can I maintain or increase it” every motion is the work of god through Christ and His Spirit. It is as a man believes this, that he will take up that position of entire and continual dependence whichis the very essence of the life of faith.

Apart from Me you can do nothing – what a plea and what a call every moment to abide in Christ! //  “Abide in Me” – much fruit! “Apart from Me” – nothing! Ought there to be any doubt as to what we shall choose? //  The one lesson of the parable is – as surely, as naturally as the branch abides in the vine, You can abide in Christ.

“Lord! I am abiding: I will bear much fruit. My impotence is my strength. So be it. Apart from Thee, nothing. In Thee, much fruit.”

Lord, I gladly accept the arrangement: I noting – Thou all. My nothingness is my highest blessing, because Thou art the Vine, that givest and workest all. So be it, Lord! I, nothing, ever waiting on Thy Fullness. Lord, reveal to me the glory of this blessed life.

Prayer for our Speaker Mandi Cornett
2 Thess 1:11-12
Abba, we pray for Mandi, that You our God may count her worthy of her calling, and that by Your power You may fulfill every good purpose she has, and every act prompted by her faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in her Father, and You in her, according to Your grace and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer for us
Lord thank You that You are our place of rest. Thank You that apart from You, we can do absolutely nothing. Teach us, like Paul, to glory in our weakness, because when we are weak, You are strong. Lord Jesus, thank You for showing us how to live the abiding life, through Your example, and now Your Spirit. Lord we are dependent upon You, moment by moment, for the breath in our lungs. We are dependent upon You to keep us, as You promised, within Your hand. We can do nothing on our own. We can’t mend relationships, we cannot be faithful to our jobs, our families, our spouses. We cannot deny ourselves. But in You, as You live Your life through us, we can do all things. By the power of Your Spirit who lives within us, we can live a life of abiding. It was Your Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, by the power of Your love. This same Spirit lives in us, who by faith have put their trust in the finished work of Christ. O remind us again, we are crucified with Christ, and we no longer live, but You Christ, live in us. And the life we live in the body, we live by faith in You, who loved us and gave Yourself for us. Our whole heart says Amen… so be it. We desire to live the life You want to live through us. Teach us again, when we are tempted to be anxious, or self righteous, or easily offended, that we have died, and our lives are hidden in You. We abide, for apart from You we can do nothing. But in You! We can do all things, because You are the one who strengthens us. Show us Your agenda today Abba, and give us the grace to rest and follow You in it. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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