Good morning! Today I leave for Tuscarora Conference Center to speak at a retreat there. I am really excited to share what He has given to me to share with these precious women. Would you pray that those who do not yet know Jesus would come to know Him this weekend? And would you pray that I speak with clarity, and boldness through the strength and wisdom of the Spirit, speaking, as it were, His words after Him? Thank you so, so much.
Today I am including the link to the devotional. Tomorrow and Sunday, I will not be posting, but I so encourage you to begin to read through the devotional on your own. Many of you have said how much John 15 is impacting you. May you continue to spend time with Jesus, learning from Him as you read through on your own.
Today’s reading is very encouraging because it helps us see our purpose, and begin to see just how much fulfilling our purpose depends upon God.
The reading is entitled The Father Glorified and the verse is John 15:8
My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples. John 15:8
Here are some highlights:
How can we glorify God? Not by adding to His glory or bringing Him any new glory that He has not. But simply by allowing His glory to shine out through us, by yielding ourselves to Him, that His glory may manifest itself in us and through us to the world. In the disciple who bears much fruit, the Father is glorified. Before men and angels, proof is given of the glory of God’s grace and power; God’s glory shine out through Him.
Men judge of God by the fruit that the branches of the Vine of His planting bears.
Let us learn the secret of bringing glory to God, serving of the ability which God giveth. The full acceptance of Christ’s Word, “You can do noting”; the simple faith in god, who worketh all in all; the abiding in Christ through whom the diving Husbandman does His work and gets much fruit – this is the life that will bring glory to God.
Much fruit: herin is my Father glorified. Let the very height of the demand be your encouragement. It is so entirely beyond your power, that it throws you more entirely upon Christ, your true Vine. He can, He will, make it true in you.
Throw yourself in much prayer on your vine and your Husbandman. Cry to God and your Father to give you fruit to bring to men. Take the burden of the hungry and the perishing on you, as Jesus did when he was moved with compassion, and your power in prayer, and your abiding, and your bearing much fruit to the glory of the Father will have a reality and a certainty you never knew before.
Father, glorify Thyself in me.
Lord, we pray for the prayer requests that have been coming in these past few weeks. Lord, we are in need, and You alone can meet our deepest need. Abba continues to reveal to us Your own glory, keep our eyes fixed on You. When we do, we have perspective on our circumstances. It is so difficult to see You in the midst, but by faith we trust that You see us, and You know our frame and remember we are dust. Father, in these circumstances that we are in, glorify Yourself. May You bear Your fruit through us in the midst of sickness, difficult relationships, death of our rights. We want, more than anything, to be fruit bearers. Give us Your compassion for those in our midst who are walking through difficulty, or who are dry, withered. Give us Your compassion for those who find themselves walking out consequences of their own sin. Send us Abba, and give to us Your compassion and words of comfort and exhortation. You have called us to bear fruit, and it is up to You to cause it to grow. Let us then yield to Your pruning, that we may bear much fruit. In Jesus’ name, for Your glory and our joy, amen.
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