Hey friend
When you feel like you're alone
And the world throws out a lot of hate
It's not the end
You're not out there on your own
There's still so much in life to celebrate
Just look up
Cause those skies are going to clear
There so much more than just the hear and now
Just look up
Cause a better day is here
Tomorrow feel the sunlight shining down
It gets better, better, better
The pain will let up, let up, let up
If you fall just get up, get up, get up
Ohh, cause there's another way
It gets better, better, better
The world gets lighter, lighter, lighter
So be a fighter, fighter, fighter
Ohh, just live to see that day
Yeah, live to see that day (that day)
Live to see that day
Hey friend
We used to feel like you
No end in sight
Fearing everyday
Just defend the part of you that's true
Find yourself and you will find the way
Don't give up (Don't give up)
Just take another look
And you can shine
It's time you took the stage
Don't give up
Cause your life is like a book
All you got to do is turn the page
There are friends yet to meet,
There are songs to be sung
There are beautiful sunsets
And battles are won
There's love to be found if you just stick around
Don't give up your life has just begun
It gets better, better, better
The pain will let up, let up, let up
If you fall just get up, get up, get up
Ohh, cause there's another way
It gets better, better, better
The world gets lighter, lighter, lighter
So be a fighter, fighter, fighter
Ohh, just live to see that day
It gets better, better, better
The pain will let up, let up, let up
If you fall just get up, get up, get up
Ohh, cause there's another way
It gets better, better, better
The world gets lighter, lighter, lighter
So be a fighter, fighter, fighter
Ohh, just live to see that day
It gets better, better, better
The world gets lighter, lighter, lighter
So be a fighter, fighter, fighter
Ohh, just live to see that day
It gets better, better, better
It gets better, better, better
It gets better, better, better
It gets better, better, better
This song is so beautiful. It was released in response to the recent suicides in the gay community, and meant to encourage other young people out there who struggle with their identity as an LGBT person that it will "get better" and they don't have to kill themselves, they just need to be a "fighter" and "live to see that day" when "the world gets lighter."
I love this song. It's so inspiring, and sung by people who seem to have made it, become successful despite their identity as an LGBT person. They call back to others, hang in there, we made it, you can too.
I love this song, but it makes me so, so sad. Because the reality is, it doesn't get better. Just cause we hang on for another day, does not mean it will get better. They promise that once their circumstances change, once they are out of school, or finally land that Broadway job, or once they find others with whom they can identify, things will get better.
Its a beautiful song, but it's a siren song. And if followed, the one who believes it will be dashed upon the rocks. The song promises,
Don't give up (Don't give up)
Just take another look
And you can shine
It's time you took the stage
Don't give up
Cause your life is like a book
All you got to do is turn the page
It gets better, better, better
The pain will let up, let up, let up
If you fall just get up, get up, get up
Ohh, cause there's another way
It gets better, better, better
The world gets lighter, lighter, lighter
So be a fighter, fighter, fighter
Ohh, just live to see that day
But how? How do you shine? How do you turn the page of the very real pain of your partner leaving you? Of the rejection from family? How does the pain of growing old alone let up? All on it's own? How do I get up, when I cannot even see a reason to get up?
This song is sung by people who have "made" it. And they promise what they cannot deliver. They cannot deliver hope, no matter how much they truly desire to do so. And they do want to deliver it. I believe that. I believe they are sincere, that they want to call back to those on the road behind them to hang in there, but platitudes don't help. How, how does one find hope?
Only, only in the Cross of Messiah Jesus...only in Him. He alone knows who we are and what we are made of. He created us, created us to be in relationship with Him, the One Who knows us and loves us despite ourselves. He lets us, if we are bound, suffer in our choices away from Him. He allows us to feel the full weight of the consequences of our choices away from Him. That suffering will bring many to the end of themselves and back to Him, and realize their need, what we were all created to need and that is to be in relationship with the One who knows us best and loves us anyway. That is True Love, Pure Love.
But we have been content with decoys, with substitutes, whether we are gay or straight or anywhere in between. And we don't want to confess that we have been wrong. We don't want to admit that we wanted what we wanted when we wanted it, and hurt others in the process. We just desperately want to be loved but fight against that very thing, because it would mean admitting we've been chasing the wrong thing.
So we'll take the substitute, and lie awake at night wondering if there is more than this, or worse, wondering what is wrong with me, that I cannot be loved in the way my heart really wants to be? Why can't I be loved when I have so much love to give?
Oh Jesus, You are Healer. You are True Love. You are the One who knows us, knows our hurt, our pain, knows how others have hurt us, and yes, knows how we have hurt others. But You said you did not come into the world to condemn us, but to save us, to make a way for us to be Loved by You. So you went to the Cross, and all the condemnation and insults and anger that should be on us, You took that on yourself. For free. Because You loved us, because You loved the one reading this. And now, all the anger, condemnation, judgment and consequences are paid in full. We are free. Free to be loved desperately by You. Free from self condemnation, judgment, from accusations. Free to love others with the Pure Love that is in You, and can be in us, if we believe You. You made the Way. And yes, it is the only way....all our attempts have failed and resulted in condemnation. But because of Your Love, Your True Love for me, for us, you died the death I should have died, You received all, all the consequences of what I have done, and cleared the way for me to have a relationship with You. Any other way would lead to my death....only You taking my sin and my consequences for my sin could clear the way for Your Love to reach me.
Oh that the one whom You lead here would know! It does, it can get better than this! Not because of what we do, but because of Your mercy!
Oh to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be! Great is Your Faithfulness, Your Love!
At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.Titus 3:3-7